Sunday, June 19, 2011

Like Brother & Sister

I was floundering around the interwebz today and found myself landing on the addictive site known as TV Tropes. I have devoted eras of my time to this goofy website and really should never be aloud to read anything on it anymore because I just get glued to my seat the moment the URL pops into the address bar…anywho, this particular visit drew me to a trope called “Like Brother and Sister”. This trope is defined as:

“Sometimes, two characters of the opposite sex are very close - so close that you might expect them to be dating. Except they're not. They admit that they matter a great deal to each other, they would die for each other, and that they can't imagine life without each other. They aren't just any pair of friends. They're as close as family. They're like brother and sister!”

Reason being is that I have two friends who have been ridiculously close to me for the last 2 years and they both happen to be chicks. And I am constantly “shipped” with one or the other all the time, by teachers, family and other friends. It’s actually annoying, especially when I have previously dated one of them (our friendship basically began with us dating). The two girls are as follows:

Crazy Lady: Named because she does insane things that make you think she’s crazy (see trope “Exactly what it Says on the Tin”). She’s possibly the most genuinely happy person I have ever met and basically the most positive person in my life. The twin sister I never had.

Shmoopsie-Poo: Okay, this nickname lends itself to the so called “shipping”, but I don’t care…anywho, she’s someone who I basically just make fun of and she does the same to me. Sounds terrible, but I’m cool with it. Although we come across as antagonistic towards each other we always have each other’s back even when someone else doesn’t. Pretty much an older sister.

As a good explanation of the shit I go through in order to avoid being mistaken for dating these 2 is the time I spent in the room of my (former) English teacher who I will now call TrollFace (for he looks like a Troll Face). I was working away after an exam on this art thingie that I was tasked to work on by my class. I got to talking with TrollFace (who is, BTW, one of the coolest teachers I’ve ever had) and somehow the topic of conversation swung onto my relationship with Shmoopsie-Poo. TrollFace inquired as to whether or not we are “together” and I was all like:

TrollFace told me he thought so because Shmoopsie-Poo and I are never seen around him without each other (hence the “got each other’s back” comment previously) and I told him we were just really close. He then said that in high school a dude and chick that are as close as Shmoopsie-Poo and I usually are dating and so he just assumed. I was still all like:

I then explained to TrollFace about how my family had been trying to get me to date Shmoopsie-Poo and how a bunch of my friends thought I should date Crazy Lady and suddenly TrollFace jumped to the inquiry of whether or not I was dating Crazy Lady and my expression finally settled on:

I then had to explain to him that I was just really close with her too. It was pretty funny seeing him conceptualize that I wasn’t dating these people…

While strolling through tropeville I found a quote from one of my favourite Justice Leaguers that pretty much sums up my relationship with these two girls (mostly Shmoopise-Poo).

“She loves me. Seriously, she's like the big sister I never had. Only, you know, short.” –Wally West on Shayera Hol

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